Cannabis farmers are always searching for ways to optimize productivity. Larger yields, higher quality and ways to cut costs top the directives. Within this industry however, there seems to be an overuse of synthetic fertilizers with little understanding of the biological systems involved in nutrient uptake and disease control. Many inexperienced growers overuse synthetic fertilizers, hoping that more nutrients means higher yields. All that really happens is a massive salt buildup, which leads to dead microbes, nutrient lockout, and a lot of flushing. Many others overdo synthetic fungicides without really targeting “the root” of the problem.
Over the last 20 years, compost tea has been clearly gaining traction as an important variable on organic and sustainable crop production. Anecdotal evidence, now coupled with considerable scientific research now proves various types of compost teas can suppress plant pathogens and diseases while also boosting yields and quality through microbial activity, effectively eliminating the need for hazardous agrochemicals.
What is Compost Tea and How Does it Work?
Technically, compost tea is where beneficial microorganisms are extracted from compost, humus or vermicompost (worm compost). When provided with the right food source, their populations can effectively multiply into the billions. Jeff Lowenfels, the author of Teaming With Microbes, reports that the bacterial population in 1 teaspoon of compost can grow from 1 billion to 4 billion in an aerated compost tea (ACT). So when compost tea is brewed, you are literally creating life by facilitating the population growth of diverse groups of microorganisms. High quality compost tea will have all of these organisms working synergistically in the soil to optimize conditions that facilitate nutrient uptake and plant health. Many nutrients used in compost tea recipes function as a fertilizer for the plants as well.
Some benefits from using compost tea include:
• Enhancing plant health while suppressing disease
• Using less fungicides, fertilizers & maximizing nutrient uptake
• Working synergistically with biological pest controls
• Recharging the old soil with fresh microorganisms
• Increasing water holding capacity of soils
• Building farmable horizons of poorly structured soils